Uncle Jeffrey Newchurch

Uncle Jeffrey Newchurch is a proud Kaurna man with blood connections from far Western Australia to Victoria and beyond. He has an extensive knowledge and experience of Kaurna and other Aboriginal community Landscapes and cultural footprint Song-Lines.

To say Jeffrey is a relationship builder is an understatement. He has been a key voice and advisor for the environment with agencies such as SA Water, the Green Adelaide Board, of which he was an inaugural member, and the Green Adelaide Advisory Group Warpulai Kumangka.    

When Uncle Jeffrey speaks, people listen.

As a leader, Jeffrey has chaired many boards from the Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation to the Kaurna Nations Cultural Heritage Association.   

Alongside his powerful work in repatriation and community engagement, Uncle Jeffrey is deeply passionate about caring for country.

He works closely with councils and state agencies to develop inclusive programs that see Aboriginal Peoples leading landscape management programs.

His work at the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary, Torrens Island and other landscapes demonstrates his strong drive to see governance systems set up to bring people together.

Jeffrey Newchurch builds meaningful relationships across communities to create the best outcomes for South Australia’s environment and its people.